This is a Saurian light hover tank for FAD4. One crew, two big guns(haven't worked out what they are yet). This is a test paintjob, pretty quick to paint, overall happy with results, although not sure about windows yet. I may paint over most of them wih hull camo scheme. I like its low profile,Hetzer-esque look. And the beauty of it is it cost a whopping $1.49. 3 more to paint for the Saurians, and 4 more for an undecided faction. Between starwars, robogear, terminator hunter-killers, and star trek romulan fighter kits, I have quite a large inventory of vehicles to choose from. which is good,because I can now sell all those pricey/ugly GW monstrosities.
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
4 months ago